Friday, April 13, 2007

‘Aye, laddie, ye'll open f'r THAT Rod Stewart'

‘Aye, laddie, ye'll open f'r THAT Rod Stewart'

The Oklahoma City Highlanders perform on the concourse before the Rod Stewart concert at the Ford Center on Wednesday. From left are Pipe Maj. Paul Shell, Drum Maj. Charles Newcomb, Cpl. John Powell, Pipe Sgt. Robert Bruce and Lance Cpl. Todd Moran. BY BRYAN TERRY, THE OKLAHOMAN

By Paul Shell
Staff Writer

It was one of those calls you don't expect to get while quietly sitting at your desk editing newspaper copy: "Would you like to open for Rod Stewart at his Oklahoma City concert?”

Not that Stewart's show hits town and they just run a finger down the phone book and say "Hey, let's call this guy!”

It was a bagpipe band Stewart's tour was after, and it was the business manager for the Oklahoma City Highlanders bagpipe band who was calling me. I'm the pipe major (lead piper) for The Highlanders.

I asked the question any self-respecting man who wears a kilt and plays the pipes would ask: "And will they be PAYING us?”

The answer was what any self–respecting Scottish rocker's managers would give: "No!”

"But we'll get free tickets to the show for the band,” business manager and fellow Highlanders piper Robert Bruce told me.

"OK. It's Monday, the concert is Wednesday ... It'll be a busy band practice Tuesday night,” I thought.

Then the cold water
Wives have a way of putting things into perspective. When I told mine the wonderful news, she asked if we had confirmed that this really was Rod Stewart's tour calling us.


I could just see one of the other area pipe bands sitting around laughing their kilted rears off: "Aye, an' did ye hear? Their whole band showed up doon a' the Ford Center all dressed up an' carrying their pipes an' drums (McGiggle, McGiggle).”

By Tuesday night when the parking and tickets had been arranged, I relaxed a little.

I even got to use my relax-the-band speech, which goes something like: "We don't usually play this big a venue, but we play for thousands of people each year. We've played for the elder George Bush, Margaret Thatcher, Mikhail Gorbachev and a bunch of other dignitaries. Relax and have fun with this. AND STAY WITH THE DRUM SECTION'S BEAT!” (I get to yell things like that as pipe major.)

Wednesday night, after playing in the Ford Center concourse for people heading for their seats, we marched a dozen strong onto the Ford Center's floor sending "Scotland the Brave” soaring.

We played for 20 minutes to an appreciative audience while wedging our formation in at different spots between Stewart's plaid-draped stage and the surrounding seating.

And then our unlikely brush with rock music was over.

No, we didn't get to meet Rod Stewart.

But Stewart gave the band a memorable anniversary gift. This year is The Highlanders' golden anniversary. You can't beat celebrating 50 years of performing by opening for Rod the mod.

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