Friday, April 13, 2007

Sweet Adelines plan singers' competition

Sweet Adelines plan singers' competition

From Staff Reports

The Oklahoma City Chorus of Sweet Adelines is sponsoring "OK City Star,” a three-round competition for singers ages 16-25.

Contestants can enter online at, www.komara or To have an entry form mailed, call 720-7464. Audition times will be assigned when entries are received and will be limited to the first 100 contestants.

The first round will be May 17. Singers who go to the second round will perform for a panel of top Oklahoma voice instructors and vocal coaches who will select 10 finalists.

The top 10 contestants will compete in the OK City Star finals at 8 p.m. June 9 in the Westmoore High School auditorium, 12613 S Western. The audience will select the winners. The third-place winner will receive $100, and the second-place winner will receives $200. The 2007 OK City Star winner will receive $500 along with a shopping spree at Crossroads Mall, a recording session at MK Production Studio and an appearance on KOMA-FM 92.5.

Competition sponsors include KOMA, MK Production Studio and Crossroads Mall.

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