Friday, March 2, 2007



02 Mar 2007, 08:11 AM

1st annual DESIGN A HOTRODBOB T SHIRT contest!!

Hey it's Evil Clay from the Hot Rod Bob. I figured since my photoshp is not currently working, and we need a new t-shirt design, what a wonderful time to have a contest! Here's the deal. Send us your best design. The designs can be of whatever you want. Be creative. Keep in mind that we all like dark stuff. The scarrier and crazier the better. Or if you want to design a t shirt with 4 vaginas on it with HotrodboB over the top, that works too (actually, I like that idea but I don't think we would sell many of them!). We will pick a winner or two. The winner will get their t-shirt design on a t-shirt and some kind of HotrodboB prize pack. I think I can scrounge up enough junk to make up something cool. Anyway, once you submit the design it's ours. Sorry, no takebacks. The designs need to be submitted in some kind of computer friendly image save thing. Like jpeg or gif or something like that. If your design kicks all kinds of ass, we may use them on our custom guitar picks that were having made up. Anyway, if your interested design something and hit me back here on the HRB myspace. We will go from there. CONTEST WILL END ON MARCH 20th!!! So get them in asap! Good luck and were rooting for ya!! E.C. and the HRB

p.s. 3/24/07 - HRB and many more @ the king of clubs in Claremore, Ok!!

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