Friday, March 2, 2007

Renegade Rail

Renegade Rail
Southern Rock / Country / Rockabilly

"Blue Collar Music"

Anywhere, TX/OK,
United States

Profile Views: 9415

Last Login: 2/03/2007
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02 Mar 2007, 07:54 AM

Renegade Rail tonight!

The Rail in Dewey!
I couldn't hardly sleep all night and here I am awake, waaaay too early in the morning of a very long and busy day starting the final countdown of things to do for what I know will turn out to be a huge show.....

Payne County Lines 2006 Red Dirt Rock Band of the year will be in Dewey tonight at The Red Dog! Since Renegade Rail has been in town last they have really blown up. They have become the darlings of the Snorty Horse in Springfield Mo, considered to be one of the most important Red Dirt music venues in the midwest. They open for big names like Cross Canadian, The Red Dirt Rangers and Mike McClure on a regular basis. They recorded their new cd in McClures studio several weeks ago and have a video on CMT. Things are going really well for the Rail and for good reason. This is going to be a great show, so come early and get a seat, make sure to pick up a cd and a t- shirt while you are there. (Now also might be a good time to start making plans for a DD!)

Amazingly enough there is no cover, so make sure and tip the band and barstaff generously as they will be working very hard for you tonight

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