Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Snorty Horse Saloon

Had a couple of legends hit the stage last weekend.  Keen of course on
Friday, which has completely off the hook by the way, and Tommy Allsup
on Saturday. He was the guy who lost the coin flip to Buddy Holly
when the plane crashed. He played with guys like Waylon Jennings, and
was the lead guitarist for Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys. He is
now 77 years old and still playing lead guitar for his boy Austin. I
guess you never know who will walk through the doors here at the

A lot of stuff going on the next few weeks. Let?s start with Wednesday.

WED. APR. 11th: COLE PORTER / drinkin? / singin / songwritin? buddies.
And some pretty good drink specials. He sat in with Cody Walker last
week. I never laughed so hard in my life. They were rapping some
song about digging up a dead body, completely ab lib, while a couple
of guys were dueling it out complete with their keystone helmets. We
gave Woody Justice some free advertising also. If you want to drink
for cheap, this is the night to come. If you?re a chick, you also
have negotiation rights with John the door guy. Translation?you get
in for free if you just ask, but you got to ask.

THUR. APR. 12th: COWBOY TOY ROPIN?!!! We will be giving a buckle
away at this ropin?! I will tell you that the buckle is a little
damaged because the guys at the dock ran over it with a fork lift.
True story, but it was free and I?m going to give it away on Thursday.
Nick Avery is not eligible to win the buckle because he already did
last month, however, he can still participate in the ropin? if he
shows up. I?ve had a lot of response for this ropin? and I expect a
good turnout and a good payout so maybe we can give another buckle
away next month. If you can?t be here before 9:30, call me or the bar
so we can get you entered. Oh Yea?IT?S WHISKEY NIGHT!

is a perfect example of how an act basically earned a weekend spot,
and they did it in big fashion. Tiffany?s drummer is an old buddy of
mine and we booked a show on a weeknight back in February. It was
awesome and attendance was great. There was also a fellow there from
Kansas City that worked for a record label in L.A. and offered them a
deal. Needless to say, Tiffany and her band have been spending quit a
bit of time in L.A. recording and have done some cool shows through
Colorado and the west coast. Pretty cool that it all started here at
the horse and that so many good things have happened to this band in
the last couple of months. This should be a really good night
especially with the Lucky Boys opening. The Lucky Boys are also known
as the oldest garage band in history. They have played together since
jr. high and now most of their kids are grown and moved out. In fact
the drummer for the Lucky Boys is the father of Justin, who is
Tiffany?s drummer, and it really adds to the show. You guys will love

SAT. APR. 14th: CHARLIE HORSE with PETE GILE!!! When Charlie Horse
first played at the old bar, I said they were the most underrated band
in the area. All that has changed in the recent months and they are
going to get some much deserved success. They are headlining the
Arkansas music awards ceremony and are up for best songwriters, best
band, best CD and pretty much anything else they qualify for. They
have done shows with Shooter Jennings, Big Smith, and Jason Boland
just recently. If you?re a music buff of any genre, you?re going to
really like Charlie Horse.
I have Pete Gile opening. I first saw Pete play about three years ago
with Boland at the Grand Emporium. You guys are going to like this
show I?ve put together!


Steve Greene
Snorty Horse Saloon
"Best Little Texas Roadhouse in Missouri"
3050 N. Kentwood Ave.
Springfield, MO 65803
Buy Tickets Online at

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