Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wanda Jackson says.... Elvis....

Remember Elvis today by picking up your copy of Wanda's tribute cd to the King of Rock N Roll.

If you already own it, now is the perfect time to get it out and ROCK. It's a true gem of a record that has received some amazing publicity since it's release.

Pick up your copy online @

Wanda was featured on CBS today in a piece
titled "The Women Who Love Elvis":

Wanda Jackson was asked to join him on one of his first tours. "I had never heard his name. They weren't playin' his records yet in Oklahoma where I lived," the singer remembers. "So when he came in, well naturally, I was kinda awed. He was a tall, good lookin' guy, dressed very sharp."

They couldn't help it. Soon, they were sweethearts. "He just asked me if I'd be his girl. And I said, 'Uh, yea, sure.' So he took a ring off his finger and asked me to wear it around my neck," Wanda remembers.

But Wanda knew that with so many women ecstatic over him, Elvis might not be faithful.

"When you hear him, it just brings back something special in everybody's memory," Wanda says.

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